Friday, 4 February 2011


Question 1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Question 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Question 3: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Question 4: How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Friday, 21 January 2011

Final Products

Music Video

Criteria of a Music Video
Holding A Shot Steady, Where Appropriate
To ensure that our shots were held steady we used a tripod. This however wouldn't help sometimes as some of the locations we had to shoot on were on a slant and this renders a tripod useless. Sometimes when panning the shot would shake a little but this generally happened when we had to pan slowly as it a lot of friction.

Framing a Shot, Including and Excluding Elements as Appropriate
We did this by mainly making the performers cover the entirety of the shot frame and having it so that if anything else needed to be there we also gave it it's place in the shot.

Using a Variety of Shot Distances as Appropriate
Shot distances were hard to work with in our video as our locations and outdoor cameras didn't really allow for a lot of detail for very distant shots. However we did include shots that range from being rather far away from the camera to close ups.

Shooting Material Appropriate to the Task Set
All of the material that we shot was appropriate to the task and we took multiple takes of each shot to ensure we had a high quality selection. This meant that only the inferior takes would be left out.

Selecting Mise-En-Scene Including Colour, Figure, Lighting, Objects and Setting
When it came to selecting the mise-en-scene it was very hard as our video was intended to be quite dark and creepy. This meant that we could also use research into horror films from the AS coursework as well as our research into videos to ensure our mise-en-scene fit the dark and creepy feel we were going for. Our one regret is that we couldn't get to our outdoor shots when it was darker so some of the shots had to be lighter than intended. However on the days we filmed the sky was quite cloudy so we had at least some darkness to our shots.

Editing so that Meaning is Apparent to the Viewer
We tried to edit as well as we could to make the narrative apparent to even people not used to watching a video of the metal genre. We also edited the footage to try and engage the viewer in the narrative and make them part of the story. This is why the person in the gas mask isn't involved in the overall story.

Using Varied Shot Transitions, Captions and Other Effects Selectively and Appropriately
In terms of transitions we only used cuts and our video was void of captions. However we used a few effects to emphasise some of the shots such as in one shot was used ghosting which is achieved by taking the same shot and putting it slightly behind the main shot and reducing its opacity.

Using Sound With Images and Editing Appropriately for the Task

Being a fast paced song we had to put lots of cuts into our video and from this the longest any of our cuts would last was around 3-4 seconds. During our performance shots the bands logo is visible in the background as we felt that the performance had to be flashy as it could have made the viewer more interested in seeing that than the narrative.

Outer Covers

Inner Covers


Friday, 1 October 2010